Catamaran Level 1
Playlists: 9 Length: 2h11

Get started! You dream of becoming an enlightened crew member to actively experience your next sea trips. You have never sailed or so little that you want to learn the basics to succeed on your first boats. You have a project but you don't know where to start and who to contact.
This level is made for you!

At the end of this training, you will know the main marine knots, the key points of the catamaran you need to know to be an effective crew member from start to finish and the techniques that allow you to maneuver calmly while sailing at sea.

Simple knots on a catamaran

Learn how to make simple knots here


Complex knots on a catamaran

Learn how to make complex knots here


Understanding the catamaran

Learn here to understand the elements that make up a catamaran and to integrate the first safety rules.


Discover the elements

Learn the basics of marine elements here


Participate in departure and arrival

Learn here how to participate in the preparations for set-up and docking maneuvers


Rigging and hoisting the sails on a catamaran

Learn here how to rig and hoist sails


Adjusting the sails on a catamaran

Learn here how to adjust the sails of a catamaran


Participate in catamaran maneuvers

Learn the first fundamental sailing maneuvers here


Loading sails on a catamaran

Learn here how to lower the sails
